We are excited to be open again and acknowledge that this is a strange time for all of us, but through cooperation and understanding we can move forward, have fun, and maintain good public health. We are not healthcare professionals and do not pretend to know all of the answers to this situation but we do care about health and well being of our team and our guests and we are ready to do everything in our power to keep you safe. That was true before the pandemic and it remains true now.
In preparation for your group we are:
Increasing our cleaning and disinfecting schedule with a focus on high touch areas
No contact procedures for equipment fitting
Daily health checks for our team for temperature and other symptoms
Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting on returned equipment
What can you do to help keep the trip safe?
Groups should make preparations to have:
Hand sanitizer
All digital waivers complete prior to arrival
We require all guests to wear a cloth face covering in buildings and buses, most of your time here will be outside
A card on file with us to make any purchases while here. We still accept all forms of payment but this will limit touching
Be aware and monitor your personal health and self isolate if you have symptoms
Observe the personal space of others when possible
Wearing any face coverings on the river is not allowed
Our new look better communicates the energy and fun our guests experience on our rafting trips. Our site now makes it easier to pick the right rafting experience for your group. And you’re going to get to know more about our trips and how we run them.
Don’t worry! We’re still the same team that has run Pigeon River rafting trips for the last 20 years, and we treat you like family when you raft with us.