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Resolutions | Happy New Year, See Y'all in 2016!

December 30, 2015

There’s a lot of talk of resolutions around the Outpost this time of year. We’ve had a great year, filled with fun, adventure, perseverance and great memories with family and friends, but there are always more adventures to be had, and new memories to be made!

While we work to create a life that’s always filled with fun and adventures, here are some things we’re keeping in mind while we plan our fantastic adventures for 2016.


This is something that’s physically necessary for our favorite activities, and psychologically necessary to maintain a happy, healthy life. While the verdict is still out whether work/life balance is real (and when your work is this fun, who can blame us?), being able to ‘shut off’ the working brain and take some time for restoration and relaxation is necessary for your mental and physical health.

Think about it. Thoughts manifest into actions, which determines how you live. Living in a state of constant movement with no time for rest or connection is stressful, and places stress on the body. You’ll get sick, you’ll be overly tired, and you’ll get burnt out quickly.

There are several way to achieve more balance in 2016, and one is by getting outdoors. Just make sure you leave the phone at home. The point of spending time in nature is to get away from the stressors of everyday life, and just try to enjoy each moment, as it’s happening.

Make downtime a priority. Many people feel like if they’re not “on” all the time, they’ll be viewed as lazy or unproductive, but taking time to explore your creativity, inner world, and experience true downtime is essential. It can even make you more productive overall, and better at your job.

This is also a good reminder that balance is an ongoing process. There are going to be times when you feel totally unbalanced - and that’s fine! Just like if you lose your physical balance, everything will correct itself in due time.

Kindness and Compassion

There are two ways we try to approach compassion and kindness. Strive to be kinder to yourself, and kinder to the world around you. Kindness and compassion go hand in hand.

To Yourself: As the saying goes, life happens. Sometimes it happens harder than other times, and beating yourself over a mistake or for not handling things as well as you would have liked is not going to help you. Nature and some schools of philosophy teaches us to be respectful of what we are capable of right now, and that requires self compassion.

If a tree falls down in the middle of the forest, you wouldn’t chastise it for not being able to support itself, would you? It’s a ridiculous sentiment, but we berate ourselves constantly for not being totally independent, or for not being perfect all of the time. Treating yourself with the same compassion that you would treat anyone else is not selfish, and learning to forgive yourself will help you make 2016 a happier year over all.

The good news is this compassion and kindness readily translates into how we treat other people, things, and the world around us. Compassion leads to gratitude, which if you care about others, you’ll be more empathetic, and kinder. Your relationships will be happier and healthier because you’re more willing to help others, and you’ll take greater care to protect the world around you. The more time you spend in nature, whether for fitness, adventure, or attempts to regain that sense of balance, the more you’ll care about it and be kinder to it.

What are your resolutions for 2016? If you are wanting to spend some more time outdoors, give us a call at 866-333-7238 or contact us online. We’d be happy to show you around.

Raft With The River Experts
(866) 333-7238
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